
Welcome to War-Boss.com - a site dedicated to helpful guides and ideas in the world of Warhammer Online! Ever found the Inevitable City confusing? Always wondered if there was a faster way to earn XP? Or just looking for inspiration, then this is the place!
Most recently updated guide: Greenskin Tier 1 & 2 by MeBeGreen and Dark Elf Tier 1 by Mangekyou We are currently trying out a new layout with updated Guides and articles over at War-Boss.com. Check it out and let us know what you think :)

Sunday, 16 March 2008



This page will provide links to all the guides posted so far on the site - if you got any ideas for a new guide or guide section drop a comment at the bottom of the page.

Levelling Guides


For the levelling guide - click the race which you want to see guides for in the image below.


General Guides

These guys are non-specific to any of the sides or races, but we will work all and serve a more general purpose.
UI Addon Guide - A small guide to the UI Addons we have found useful during the creation of the guide and general play.