Hi, and welcome to MeBeGreen's Greenskin guide!
The guide kicks off in Greenskin Tier 1, after which all other factions are welcome to join. It is possible to fly to Mount Bloodhorn and then run to the starting area, if you want :).
Some might say that writing a leveling guide for the starting area is a bit redundant, but I've included a lot of unlocks that we will discover along the way. Furthermore, having done the area a bunch of times without a guide, the change really is noticeable.
Writing a Guide for a game like WAR was a bit difficult, as a lot of the fun in leveling doesn't come from pure solo PvE, but from a mixture of quests, scenarios and Public Quests. In 1.2, Mythic made it so that all PQ's are now visible on the map along with the number of players currently doing it. Furthermore, with the new server transfers, a lot more people will probably be around to do them, as well as scenarios :).
A thing that was a bit difficult for me to incorporate was the time of leveling. As this is the starting areas, and as people will be joining scenarios and doing PQ's, it's virtually impossible to know exactly when people rank up. What I suggest is this: if you rank up near a camp, go train. If you rank up when you're out on a circuit, you might as well wait, we'll enter a camp soon enough.
There are no scenarios included in the guide, and most of the PQ's are optional. However, a great way to level is to stay queued for scenarios constantly. If you don't want to join at the moment it launches, then you don't have to. But doing scenarios regularly is not only a nice change from the soloing, you can actually get some pretty neat gear from Renown Vendors, and the XP/h from scenarios is nowhere near bad!
I hope you will have fun doing the guide, and maybe learn a little about some different unlocks :)!
To make things clear:
Bold writing are mobs, items you need, or generally things you need to pay attention to!
Yellow writing is quest waypoints
Orange writing are quests!
Blue writing is locations
Purple is the Book of Binding!
Remember to kill all mobs you come across! Extra XP always helps ;)
Let's get going! :)
Start of Circuit
Start by getting the two quests at the mouth of the cave, "Two Can Play at Dat" and "Stunties is fer Smashin'".
To the left of the wyvern is a banner, click it to complete the first quest. (And get a tome unlock!)
Turn around, and go back to Scribbiz to turn in the quest, get the follow up. A little to the west is another goblin, go turn in the quest.
Take the road south-east, and get the quest from the goblin there, "Sumfink in the Water". Go directly west until you hit the lake. Go around here opening barrels (be careful if you have low health, a dwarf in his underpants jumps out!) until you've completed the quest. Head back to the gobbo and turn in, get the follow up.
Continue south-east, you should see some shining piles of mud, surrounded by dwarves. Kill the dwarves and loot the mud. Some statues are near, get close, target the statue, and then click the mud in your quest bag. You should now also have finished "Stunties is fer Smashin", if you haven't, kill some dwarfs until you do (you only need 3). Go back to the goblin and turn in the quest, then head up the road and turn in the quest at Skarzag, get the follow up.
You should now be rank 2! :) Congratulations on your very first ding!
Go train skills at the Career Trainer, and then jump off the cliff towards the lake. Click two Wounded Bloody Sun Boys, then climb back up the hill and go turn in the quest, get the follow up.
Take the road north out of the camp. At the base of the hill, enter the cave. Follow the road inside, collecting all mushrooms you find (you need two of each), killing squigs along the way. If you have all the shrooms you need, take the cave exit at the end of the road.
When you exit, make sure to speak to the Bloody Sun War Blasta right outside, - he gives you an unlock :).
Moving on, turn in the quest at the goblin straight ahead, get the follow up "Lob it Good", then get another quest from Molora the Seeker. Enter the hut to the left of her and click the mushroom at the right of the doorway, then get out.
A green dot on your minimap indicates a quest giver, Sploop - go to him and get his quest. Follow the road past him until you reach the pile of junk. Click it, and kill the ambushing snotlings! Follow the road back and turn in your quest at Degrot on Lobber Hill, get both follow ups. Then head to Da Slop (The big puddle of green… stuff.). Talk to Belchgut and get his follow-up. Click a Meat Barrel, a dead Squig and both piles of mud to get the needed quest items, then go turn in at Belchgut. Get the follow up.
Next, jump off the cliff to the lake and click one of the wounded Orcs to get the Orc Ichor. Run across Lobber Hill, turning in the quest at Degrot as you go past. Next, go turn in the quest at Molora the Seeker.
Optional: PQ
Now would be a good time to start checking for a group for the first PQ "Ugrog's Rage". If you find a group at any time, go finish the PQ a couple of times, until you have full influence. The PQ can be found at the base of the lake, by a stone bridge. Make sure to kill Squigs in between if you decide to do it more than once.
Doing the PQ may not speed up your leveling curve, but you are almost guaranteed a green loot bag, and the influence rewards can be nice too.
Even if you cant find a group, kill squigs in the area until the following 2 are accomplished:
Get at least 2/3 influence, and…
Get to rank 3! :)
Go train skills, and sell whatever junk you can't use.
Go back to Lobber Hill and click one of the catapults. Once you've landed, get the quest from Muglush Gutsticka at the top. Get off the platform, then find and click one of the Unconscious Beardlings on the ground. Go back to Muglush and click one of the barrels behind him. Giggle as you kick a dwarf-stuffed barrel off a dam, then turn in the quest. Get all follow ups.
Go down the ramp and go to the right. Kill the dwarfs in this area until you've finished A Head Apart, then destroy a cannon to finish Cannon Smasha. Continue west along the dam until you hit the end, then go up the ramp and kill an Ironmane Runewarder. Then make your way back to the Steamship and kill two of Bergin's Guard. Beware of Bergin Ironfist himself, a level 3 champion. When done, jump off the front of the ship, into the water. Go up the little ramp, then click the Plaque on the wall to your left, to get an unlock. Then go back to Muglush Gitsticka, and turn in your quests.
Go back a little, then take the exit to the east. Follow the road until you get to a large Binocular, click it to get an unlock. Jump off the cliff and go west to Crankz and impale a dwarf head on the spikes behind him. Turn in the quest at him, the go up the road to camp. Turn in the quest at Skarzag, then get the follow up. Also turn in your quest at the Kill Collector.
Get out of camp, going directly west until you hit Snouts' Pens. Turn in the quest at Snouts, get the follow up. Click one of the Defiant Wolves surrounding him, then follow it as it sniffs out dwarfs. Kill 3 dwarfs here, then enter the forest to the right. In a small clearing, examine a Dwarf with a huge axe in his back to get an unlock. Go back to Snouts, turn in the quest, get the follow up. Another quest is now available from the goblin on the wolf, Grubgob - get that too. Also, get the two quests from the Dark Elf Sar Kernith.
Go south to the PQ area, and kill 3 Annoying Squigs to finish the quest. If you have at least 2/3 Chapter 1 Influence Points, collect your rewards, then get the quest from the rally master. Then, starting with the Sabretusk Pen to the far right, move counter clockwise until you have finished:
Kill a Sabretusk.
Kill three Boars and examine the dead orc in the pen.
Kill a Salamander.
Click the Bag of Boar Meat in your Quest Bag in the Wolf Pen.
Kill a Spider,
then go back to Grubgob and turn in the quest.
Get the quest from the Orc next to him, and go kill 3 wolves. Hit the Boar pens, and click the Bag of Wolf Meat in your Quest Bag. Go turn in the quest at the Orc, and then turn in at the Dark Elf.
Going back to Snouts, turn in your quest, and get the follow up. Take the road towards the dwarf camp, following the road straight ahead as you kill 5 dwarfs. Kargil the Grim should be in one of the camps.
Say Goodbye to Snouts and the rest of the starting area NPC's, then take the road west out of camp. Just past the bridge, find and kill a Tenacious Spite, then continue along the road.
Optional: PQ
If there's a group doing the PQ and you want the rewards, or if you just feel like it, join :)
Follow the road until you get to Da War Maker.
Examine the dead Orc next to the Saw-Blade to get an unlock, get all quests in the area (and any Profession you might want), train skills, then visit the Rally Master, turn in your quest and make Da War Maker your home.
End of Circuit! Good job! :)
45k XP/h as a Black Orc. Not too shabby ! Time spent: 46 minutes and 22 seconds.
With this character, I couldn't find a group for Chapter 1, so I killed squigs there until I had 2/3 influence. I also joined one scenario.
Start of Circuit
1 = Slinking Wood Chippas
2 = Mountain Road
3 = Fritz Meinrich
4 = Head back to War Maker/turn in.
5 = Goblin Camp
6 = Gritzik
7 = Thomas Mueller
8 = Slogga and Rebellin' Orcs
1. Start by searching around to the left of the War Maker for 3 "Slinking Wood Chippas" (goblins lying on the ground). Click them, and then go stuff them in the barrel next to the troll in the wheel to complete the quest. Turn it in at Taskmaster Pidgush.
2. Go to the campfire and speak with the goblin Tochez da Slop Slinger. Right click the item he gives you, and receive an unlock! :) Move towards the two siege towers to the northwest, passing close by will net you an unlock. Starting from the left siege tower, take the road indicated up the mountain, then run along the ridge until the end. Jump down and you are right in front of Chompa's Cave!
Enter the cave and kill Chompa, a level 4 Squig. Then loot one of the piles of skulls behind him, and head for the exit.
3. Starting down the mountain road, you'll see some boulders to your left - climb over them to get to a small empire camp. Fritz Meinrich should be standing around here wearing a silly hat - kill him to finish your quest.
This is also the site of an Easy PQ, with a Kill Collect on the stage 1 mobs, so if you want the Influence rewards, grinding here is a good idea. There's only a Kill collect on Dog Waylayers, so keep that in mind.
4. Run back to camp and turn in the quest, get the follow up.
5. Take the road north until you get to Da Gobbo Camp, click the gate to enter.
To the left is a mountain trail, and to the right of that is a pile of junk with a broken pot next to it – click it to get an unlock. Go up the mountain road and turn in your quest at Ranklot there, getting the follow-up. There's usually a small wooden bucket inside his hut, you can click it to get an unlock.
6. Get out of the camp and back on the main road, heading towards the area indicated to the south-east of Da War Maker. Turn in your quest at Gritzik there, and get his follow up quest. Now move south-east while keeping your eyes peeled for a Dryad called Dryasta. Kill her to finish the quest.
7. Thomas Mueller should be in a little camp to the southwest, kill him. To the right is a ramp leading to the cave; enter it. Move straight forward to the end, then turn left. At the end here turn right, and the chest should be on your left.
It looks like this
8. You probably already did it, but check your log to see if Da Stick's da fing is done, and if not, kill some mobs in the cave until it is. Use the Book of Binding to get out of there (a lot of annoying beasts in there), turn in your quests at Da War Maker and get the follow-up. Go back to the place where you killed Thomas Mueller, but this time, your checklist looks like this:
Kill 4 Rebellin' Orcs
Kill Slogga (who should be close to where Thomas Mueller is)
When done, head back to the War Maker, turn in your quest and get the follow-up.
Make your way back to Da Gobbo Camp and Ranklot – turn in your quest here. Moving past his hut, jump down to the road below. Follow it North-West, and turn in your quest at Broggah. Keep following the road north and you'll eventually enter Komar Gap. Turn in your quests, then get the follow-up, and all other quests in the area, train skills and make Komar Gap your home. Go from Skadger to Boris until you get a quest for Komar.
End of Circuit!
This circuit involved a lot of running, but my xp/h was still around 37-40k per hour, which isn't bad. I unfortunately forgot to take a screenshot, but I guess you'll survive ;)
This next bit is quite long, so strap your belt on tight young greenie!
Start of Circuit!
1. Move east out of Komar Gap until you find Tikket standing by a tree, turn in the quest and get the follow up. Move south along the road until you enter the Kron Komar Gap.
Optional: PQ
If there's a group doing the Kron Komar Gap PQ, it might be worth it to join. There's a kill collect on those dwarfs, and doing it just once earned me an extra 5000 experience points :)
2. In the Dwarf part of the PQ is a stone building, enter it, and Throll Skraasgrisson should be inside. Kill him to finish the quest. Also make sure you've killed 5 Dwarfs in the area, to complete Da Stick's da fing. Run back to Komar Gap and turn in the quest at Boris da Basha. Get the follow-up and turn it in at Skadger – get his follow-up too.
3. Get back on the road and go directly south until you enter the Wolftoof Wud area. Kill 5 Kron Komar Boars to finish Mork or Gork?
4. Next, go south and a bit to the east until you find a goblin, Flemrot, standing on top of a big rock - turn in Smashin' Heads at him, and get the follow-up. Be careful, as you take the quest, two of his pet squigs will assault you. They shouldn't be much of a problem though – kill them to finish the quest.
Move directly east until you find a goblin called Grozzit. Turn in the quest at him, and get the follow-up. As you take the quest, a troll will come charging at you from the bushes – kill it to finish the quest.
5. Next, move south along the mountain until you see an Orc Camp. Kill 8 of the greenskins here to finish No One Says No to Grumlok (the goblins have a lot less hp than the orcs, so kill those preferably).
6. Go south until you enter the Sacred Grove PQ area. Open your quest bag and click the Bag of Humie Meat. A hungry Grove Wolf will appear, kill it to finish Bait an' Bash. Also search around for a Fallen Stick on the ground - click it to finish the quest.
Now its time for some hunting! Search around for a Sprite called Maegda. I found him just west of the maps PQ sign, next to a tree. If you haven't found it in 5-10 minutes, just forget about it and move on.
Look at that smug little face...
7. Move north-west until you find a small Orc Encampment. Search the camp for Grukgar, kill him, and impale his head on the pike in front of the small hut to finish Da Lesson.
8. Move north until you spot a cave entrance to the left; Duraks Rest. Enter the cave, sticking to the left as you do so. When you see a greenish puddle, go to the right through the cave hole. Garvezsh should be in there somewhere.
9. Kill him along with Irontoe Ancestors until you finish the quest, then get out of the cave and run back to Komar Gap :).
Sell whatever junk you can't use, then turn in all quests, getting all follow-ups. Once again, go from Skadger to Boris da Basha, until they stop arguing!
Find the career trainer and train skills! Next to the mailbox is a small hut, with a goblin NPC inside, - speak to him to receive 3 sacks of Rotting Fruit (yum.).
10. Go east again until you enter the Kron Komar Gap PQ. Kill 5 Komar Thunderbeards (3 of them must be male), then follow the road east. When you get to an intersection, start looking for 3 Slop Buckets.
Click each of them to put a bag of fruit in there (a vulture will spawn). When you've hit all three, go back to camp and turn in, getting the follow-up from Skadger. Go to Boris and turn in, then get his follow-up. Target Boris, then open your quest bag and click the Stick to knock some sense into him! Defeat him in combat, then get his follow-up :). Now go to the house next to the mailbox and talk to the Burner again to finish the quest and get a tactic point :).
11. Follow the road north until you enter the very first Warcamp!
Turn in your quest there, then get all quests except:
Blow 'em up good
Go to the flight master and take a Wyvern to Nordland. In Nordland, turn in your two quests and get the following:
Keeping Them Honest from Sythlyn the Marked,
and Bloodhorn Beckons, from Vilkynn.
Go to the flightmaster and take a wyvern to The Blighted Isle. Turn in your two quests there, then go speak to Nistren Tyros, and turn in the quest at him.
Lastly, go to the flightmaster and take a wyvern back to Mount Bloodhorn, turn in your quests there
Go north of the Warcamp, and scout the two Battlefield Objectives (just get close enough, if they're not Destruction controlled). A bit North-east of Ironmane Outpost is a cave – follow it all the way to the end, and you'll see a scroll on the ground, click it!
Get out of the cave and move west into Ekrund. Scout the two objectives, then go to the dwarf keep in between. To the left of the door is another Hidden Scroll, go click it! :)
12. Use your Book of Binding to get back to Komar. Run north to the Warcamp and turn in your quests. If you didn't finish Green Faced Killa, just abandon it. Go west out of the warcamp, following the road south. When possible, move south-west until you encounter Strinks. Turn in the quest at him, then get the follow-up. Enter the cave and follow it all the way to the end, emerging into Ekrund (you should also have finished Rite of Passage, - if you haven't, kill spiders in the cave until you do.)
You should now be in Gorgor's Smash! Take all quests (ignoring the one from Grublug Onetoof if he's around), and turn in the ones you've already finished (some of the quests involve a lot of talking within the camp, just go from NPC to NPC until you're done). Make Gorgor's Smash your home, and give yourself a pat on the shoulder!
End of Circuit! :)
With this char I made some stupid mistakes, as well as forgetting the second hidden scroll. I did the Komar Gap PQ a couple of times, but I'm not sure it helped my XP/h. Anyway, it turned out to be a pretty good circuit after all! :)
Inevitable City Circuit! (if you want to visit the Auction House while there, feel free to do so :) )
Go to the flightmaster and take a wyvern to the Inevitable City!
Get off the ramp and get the quest from Augur Serotus! Move to the Apex, turning right as you get inside. Get the quest from Panevg. Speak to the goblin next to him to get a follow-up. Click both Orcs, then grab the bag in the middle and turn it in! :) Also get the Quest from Vilhura Everseer. Go to the point South-east of The Apex, and kill;
8 Horrified Souls
8 Enraged Souls.
Then go back to Vilhura and turn in. Go west to The Monolith and scout it, then enter the Lyceum further to the west – inside, go to the fireplace next to Disciple Rageborn, and click the wall behind the fire. It'll slide to the side, allowing you to loot the glowing green skull! (you can also grab some useless, but fun, pocket-items from the guys in there, courtesy of the hidden scrolls you found :) )
Take the road north-east back towards Fate's Edge, and get the quest from Karthok the Ruthless. Moving back south-east, you should see a cart near the vendors, with a prisoner inside. Open the cart and kill her. Go back to Karthok and put the head in the vat. Get the follow-up, speak to Karthok and then impale the head on the pike. Moving east you should finish the scouting quest as you near Augur Serotus. Turn in the quest, then take a wyvern back to Ekrund.
End of circuit :)
21.000 XP ! Not bad :)
Start of Circuit!
1. Get out of the camp, moving south along the mountain. Go past the first cave, then enter the second one Goldfist's Tomb. Clear a way to the end (destroying Stunty Bone Boxes as you go past) and defeat the two Tomb Guardians there. When dead, Goldfist will spawn – kill him too and interact with his tomb, then get out.
2. Move back north and enter Snorrison's Tomb. Same procedure – get to the end, kill the guardians and kill Snorrison. On the way out, make sure that you've finished Da All Powerful (destroy 5 bone boxes).
3. Go back to camp and turn in at Brootus. Get the follow-ups, and turn in at Rokgar – get his follow-up too. Get out of camp and jump down into Goldfist Hole (don't die now :P). Search the hole for Ranger Ulricsson, kill him and get his head. This is also the site of a pretty decent PQ, so if there's a large group doing it, joining might be a good idea (there's a kill collect on Thunderer's, so kill those preferably).
4. Move towards the railroad and go under it, taking the road west out of the hole. Go south and take the road back north when possible. When you get to a patch of trees, go west into the Raiders Haven PQ area. Turn in your quest at the goblin there, and get his follow-up.
5. Keep following the road up, searching for 3
Pilfered Crates – destroy them.
Follow the road all the way to the top and kill Friedrich Krause there. When done, get off the mountain and take the road south until you enter Broketoof Camp.
6. Go left when you can, and then go left again until you get to a small hut surrounded by Snotlings. Fight your way through them and enter the hut – open the chest inside. Get out and move towards the tower. Enter it and loot the chest. Go up the ramp and click the book by the dead dwarf to get an unlock :).Check you quest log to see if Dinner Time is finished, and if it is, move south west. If not, kill some snotlings, then move south-west.
7. Just outside the camp you should find some bandits and a cave. Enter the cave, and at the first fork, go left. Tomb Raider Ludenhof should be right in front of you – kill him to get the Dangly Wotnots (yeah…). Use the Book of Binding to get back to camp and turn in. Get all follow-ups. Move north-west out of camp and get onto the rail-road. Move south until you get to the end and find Krulloz da Kwik. Open your quest bag and click the bashin' stick to give him a good thumping, then defeat him. Go back to camp and turn in.
8. Move south along the mountain until you get to the Broketoof Camp. Moving further south should reveal a pair of Orcs, and a fallen tree to the east. Friznik Fizzlefang, a rank 9 Goblin should be around. Kill him (don't worry, Brootus will come and assist you) to finish the quest. Turning around, you should see this:
9. Take the drawn route to save yourself a lot of running time. Once up, go straight ahead, then left until you get to the mouth of the cave. 2 Wolf Cubs should be just outside, click them to stuff them "inna bag!"
Get back on the road and head north to camp, turn in the last two quests.
If you managed to get at least 2/3 Chapter 4 Influence, make sure you get the quest from the Rally Master.
10. Take a moment to recall all the joyous moments you've had here, then follow the road south-west, past the bandit camp and Broketoof Camp. If you had 2/3 influence, turn in Checking on Da Gobbos at Kugor and get the follow-up. Keep following the road, and say goodbye to the starter areas!
Barak Varr
Follow the road straight ahead until you get to the Orc Camp. Turn in your quests here, get follow-ups and all remaining quests, then make the camp your home.
You should be rank 11, but if you're not, theres a cave just north-west of camp, full of spiders with a kill collect on them. Go kill them until you are :).
End of Chapter 1 ! Good job!
Stay tuned for chapter 2 ! :)
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