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Most recently updated guide: Greenskin Tier 1 & 2 by MeBeGreen and Dark Elf Tier 1 by Mangekyou We are currently trying out a new layout with updated Guides and articles over at War-Boss.com. Check it out and let us know what you think :)

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Hello! And welcome to the second chapter of MeBeGreen's Greenskin Guide!

This guide starts off in Barak Varr, at the first camp in the north-west. If you did the first chapter of my guide, then you're all set! :) If not, then take a wyvern to Ekrund and then run south-west to get there. When you arrive at the first camp, collect all quests in the area.

At rank 11, you get your first specialization point. Make sure you put it in the "damage" or "solo" specc of your class, as this will optimize leveling (Black Orc goes Brawler, Shaman goes Gork, etc.)

Scenario-wise, it's still a great idea to stay queued at all times :).

Lets get started!


Move north out of camp until you find a lot of salamanders crawling about. Fight your way through them, and loot 4 of their eggs to finish Metal Hide.

Moving further north, you should see a path leading up to a door, as well as a dead slayer on the ground. Click the Dwarf and get the quest, then interact with him again to complete it ! Move up the ramp and get close to the door to get an unlock.

Moving back south you should find a (formerly) Dwarf Statue, just north-west of camp – going near it will net you another unlock.

Enter the cave behind it to get another unlock :). Go back to camp and turn in, then go south-west into Stunty Wud.

Get close to the ruined tower to get an Achievement, then kill 10 dwarfs in that area to finish two of the quests. Going further south-west will reveal a small dwarf encampment. Destroy 3 crates and 3 barrels to finish the quest. Also search around for a named NPC called Veteran Hapsson, - kill him too.

Go back to camp and turn in, getting all follow-ups. Go back directly south until you see a Bearded Goblin Corpse near a pass with a Slayer guarding it. Interact with the corpse to finish the quest and get the follow-up. Continue south, moving east to the shore. Just out in the water you should see a barrel labeled "Rarest Ale" – interacting with it will get you an unlock.

Now move towards the ship and get on it. First Mate Kjaelsson should be standing at the very front of the ship – killing him will net you another unlock (and the Doombringer title :) ) Go under deck and search for a Slayer with the suffix "–engineer". Kill him to get some Cannon fuses. Go back up and interact with one of the cannons to fire at the slayers on the beach! (cackling madly is allowed) – get the follow-up.

A bit south-west of there is the site of an Easy PQ, - Go there and kill mobs until;

*You have 20 slayer scalps in your inventory, - we're going to need them later.

*You've got 2/3 influence. If the killing part is finished, smash the boxes of goods for influence. (The last part of this PQ is a rank 11 Champion, so it's actually soloable).

When done, get back on the road and, following the course of the road. Speak with Brakka and get the follow-up. Go directly south until you see a Herdstone. Clear the way to it, then click the mushrooms in your quest bag to finish the quest.

Go back north to the road, then go east – going left at the first fork. You should soon see a road going left – follow it all the way to the top, and enter the tower. At its top is Engineer Steelshot, kill him and destroy one of the cannons to finish the quest.

Get back down to the road, and go to the bridge. Just under it you should see a named Boar called Jowler. Even though he's rank 16, you should be able to take him (killing him gives you a beast tactic point, as well as 1500 xp J ). Take a moment to wonder why the boar decided to stock up on bottles, then go directly north to a small camp.

Go talk to the Ogre there to get an unlock and some xp. Use the Book of Binding
to return to Nogaz' Boyz, and turn in the quest, getting the Rally Master quest from Nogaz.

End of circuit



Get back out of camp and follow the course of the road, heading right when it forks.

Marshes of Madness

Go straight ahead until you enter Bonerenders Bash. Turn in your quests there, get all follow-ups and all remaining quests, then make the camp your home.

Start of Circuit (this is quite long, so strap your belt on tight :) )


Head east out of camp and search for;

5 Bog Trappers,

1 Bog Trapper Veteran.

When done, head further east and enter the cave there. We're going to search for Rufushrooms, 5 of them will finish the quest.

When done, go back to camp and turn in both quests, getting the follow-up.

Then head west out of camp, and a little north to find the Battle at Blood Fen PQ area. There should be a lot of dwarf corpses on the ground, go around examining them until you have 8 Dwarf Beards to finish Death in the Fen.

Also find and kill any 10 Murdogh Dwarfs to finish Boss Huntin.

A bit south-west of there is a dead Chaos Giant. Examining it will give you a quest – accept it :). Open your quest bag and click the Bone to get the quest The Fallen.

Go back to camp and turn in your quests, get the follow-up.

You should now be rank 12! :)

Go train skills, and sell whatever crap you don't want :P (don't sell the Slayer Scalps, now!)

Go south-west to the Marsh Conquest PQ area, and kill 8 Hammerstriker Dwarfs here to finish Zlog Wants to Waaagh!

A bit further to the south is a rocky hill, climb it and get near the goblin tower to get the Who's Da Boss unlock and some experience.

Head east to the Deadwater area, and search around for Malivus the Tumored. Kill him to get his breastplate and finish the quest.


Move south until you get to the warcamp. Turn in your quest here, then get all quests except Stunties in a Marsh. Also set your rally point to here.

Move southwards, taking a turn to the left when possible. Go north along the ridge until you find a pile of junk at 290.297. On top of that is a Hidden Scroll! :)

Go southwards and scout the two objectives, using the Book of Binding when you're done. Turn in the two quests, then head north along the road.

Just west of the Hard PQ is a tree with some Red Cap Snipers. Kill Hathson the Red Cap to finish the quest. (cords: 300.196)

Take the road north-east towards the cave and enter it. When you get inside, turn left. Murmok's Corpse should be there. Examine it, and get the follow-up.

Optional: PQ

This is also the site of a pretty cool PQ, so if there's a group doing it, I'd suggest you joined :).


Get out of the cave again and head west to the place where you killed Malivus.

Kill Gors and Ghouls here until you are rank 13. It's a nice grinding spot, and you shouldn't be that far from 13.

When done, get back on the road and move north. When you see an Orc Camp to your right, enter it to get an unlock and some experience. (this doesn't always work, apparently.)

Go back to Bonerenders Bash and turn in your quests, getting all follow-ups. Go north-east out of camp to the place where you killed the Bog Trappers, though this time we're going to look for Gnoblars. Find and kill 4 of them, then go back to camp and turn in.

Head north along the road, back into Barak Varr.


Barak Varr

When the road forks, go right – keep going straight ahead until you get to Rottoofs Mugz!

Turn in your quests here, get follow-ups and all remaining quests, then set your rally point to the camp.

Make sure to speak to the Kill Collector, - because of the Slayer Scalps we gathered, you'll get an unlock, 800 xp and a Man Tactic Point! :)

End of Circuit! :)

Unfortunately, the game crashed for me just as I was about to turn in at Bonerenders Bash, so I don't have a screenshot. I managed to write it down before it closed, however, and the final XP/h was:



(87193 Experience Points earned in 1 hour and 4.1 minutes.)

This was all done rested, so you can probably chalk off 10 – 15k or so, but it's still an amazing circuit :).


Start of Circuit!

Go North-west to the Battle Creekarea, and kill 6 boars. They are rank 15-16, but shouldn't be much of a problem. When done, go back to camp and turn in, getting the follow-up. Go North to the Bar Dawazbak PQ area and;

Kill 6 Hammerstriker mobs

Destroy 3 Black powder Barrels (they are on the wall, - if you can't get access, you can spot one from the ground on the top left at the hole in the wall – use whatever ranged ability to destroy it, it respawns quite quickly)

When done, go back to Rottoof's Mugz and turn in the two quests.

Now go south-east of the camp, looking for One-Tusk Mobs. If you click them they'll turn hostile (you must have insulted them!) and you'll have to beat them into submission. Do this 3 times, then go turn in the quest at Rottoof, getting the follow-up.

Move south and a bit to the east until you find a cave entrance at 369,634. Move all the way through it, lighting 3 Rikkit Duk Bonfires as you do so.

When you exit, take the left fork, then move straight ahead. On a small ridge to your left you should see an even smaller Beastman Camp, with some Magrak Gors and a single Magrak Shaman. Kill all of them, then;

kill Beastmen in this area until you are rank 14.

At 42,51 you'll find some Orc Remains – interact with the corpse to get an unlock.

Next, go north to Foultoofs Warcamp! When inside, click 5 Wounded Bloody Sun Boyz to finish the quest.

Turn in your quest, then get all remaining quests. Also make the warcamp your home.

Go to the RvR area and scout the Ironclad Battlefield Objective. Just south-west of there is a giant skeleton, getting close enough will net you an unlock.

Go west to the Lighthouse and scout that too. When done, move directly north until you find a Greenskin… raft, at (16.27), board it to get an unlock. Use the Book of Binding to return to the warcamp– turning in Knock Dere Lights Out and Da Stunty Ships!

End of Circuit.


Start of Circuit! This is a small one!

Go to the Flightmaster and take a wyvern to the Marshes of Madness– turn in your quest there, don't get the follow-up. Go back to the Flightmaster and take a wyvern to Ostland and get the quest Soulblight from Zaccur the Despised, and Something for our Trouble from Halvesk Nothen– then fly to Troll Country– turning in your quests there. Go talk to Nina, the Daemonette, for an unlock.

Go to Larsk the Incarnate and take his quest. He'll brag a bit, then get bigger and bigger. At some point, he turns hostile and you'll have to defeat him (he's rank 17). When he's dead, loot his chest to finish the quest.

Get the quest Dangerous Assumptions from Vhorek Bloodfist – then go directly west, Rorrim Rotscale should be at the front of a house. Take a curve north, then back south to avoid the champion mobs, then go speak to him to finish the quest – get the follow-up.

Go back to camp and take a wyvern to Barak Varr.


Just west of the Warcamp is a ruined tower – get close enough to get an unlock. Get back on the main road and follow it north-east. At the first fork in the road you should find Hantcha's Lookout . Turn in Da Boyz Past Da Wall at Vorgnish, then get all quests from him and Low Boss Hantcha.

Go west to the Burn Rock Tower PQ area and grab 3 Blastin' Barrels.

When done, go back to Vorgnish and turn it in. Watch as he shows off his engineering skills, (be careful, the explosion has a knockback) then cross the bridge and follow the road south.

Kill 6 Gudrim Shooters, and search for a Sack of Gold Ore near the machinery (there's also one on the table next to the cave)

When done, head south and a bit to the east. You should see a Festering Corpse next to a ridge, click it to get an unlock and a new title :).

When done, head back to Vorgnish and turn in the quest.

Now, if you're close to having at least 2/3 influence, stay in this area and do the PQ until you have enough. If you already have 2/3 influence, or more, then proceed to the next step.

Standing next to Vorgnish, jump off the ledge and plummet to your doom! You should ress up in Rottoof's Mugz :). Remember to heal, then turn in your quests there and get any follow-ups.

Train skills and sell whatever stuff you don't need.

Go directly north through the hole in the wall, and follow the course of the road north-east. Keep following it, all the way to the top of the map, until you see a piece of Dwarven Wall next to a cave entrance. A fork in the right side of the road leads up to a small dwarven encampment, follow it, then carefully clear the camp. When it's safe, kill Felgrund Hamirsson on the edge of the wall. Jump down, and go to Low Boss Hantcha and turn in. (if you die while doing this, Felgrund can also be pulled from the base of the wall, so you don't have to clear the camp a second time :) )

End of Circuit :)

This Circuit was longer to start with, but I cut a small bit out to include the next circuit, due to lack of quests.


Start of Circuit!

Go back to the Flightmaster and take a wyvern to the Shadowlands – turn in your quest at Sapedis Nightcaller. Get the quest Ellyrion Burning from her, then get "The Unicorn Falls" from Kathandris Skysiege, then take the road north out of camp, and follow it north to Ralkuth's Return.


Get all quests except "Heads will Roll". Remember to talk to the Kill Collector for an unlock.

Move north-west out of camp until you fall down a small gully. Follow its course north, and enter the cave to your right. Jump down the small ledge, then turn right, and speak with Mathaen. Turn in your quest and get the follow-up. Get out of the cave and move north, turning west towards the shore when possible.

When you reach water, go left and follow the steep trail up the hill, then go straight ahead, towards a statue overlooking the shore. Get close enough to it to get an unlock.

Get down to the shore and fight your way onboard the first ship (don't use any AoE here, as you'll pull the Survivors as well). Examine Captain Myrthin and get the follow-up.

Fight your way back south-east and enter the tent.

Grab the Ellyrian Intelligence from the table, and take the follow-up. Go west to the shore again, following it south until you find a small green patch. A scorpion called Shadowsting should be there, kill it, then click the List of Marks in your quest bag, - get the follow-up.

Now go east, away from the shore, then south. To the left of a big cliff is a way leading upwards, - follow it a bit until you find the Crystal Thief on the ground. Examine him, get the follow-up, and defeat the two Shadow Warriors that spawn.

You should see some buildings to the south-west. Move to the western side of the complex, and enter from there (make sure to kill a Lore Warden). Take the first right, then turn left and you should see the Ellyrian Records.

Examine them and get the follow-up. Get out of the "room" and take a right, then another right, - you should see a passageway with a room at each side. Tadrilian should be in one of those, - find him and kill him (he patrols between them now and then, so you can pull him there if you want). Open your quest bag and click his journals, - get the follow-up.

East of the complex you should find Alleria Brightcaller patrolling (she's the only one in a red dress :) ), kill her, then go back to the western side. Move towards the Ellyrian Records again, then click the incantation in your quest bag. Defeat the guys who spawn, then open the chest and get the follow-up.

Get out of the complex and move east. When the road forks, you should see a small group of Shadow Warriors to the south-west. Stay here until:

*You've killed 12 Shadow Warriors.

*You've killed Delian Nightseer. She stops by now and then and wears a black cowl.

When done, open your quest bag and click the List of Marks again, - don't get the follow-up (and destroy the list J )

Now move south-east to the Stone of Ecelsion PQ Area.

Gather 10 Adorned Stones from the ground here (careful, a rank 15 High Elf spawns when you do so).

When done, click Tadrilian's Journal in your quest bag to finish the quest, don't get the follow-up (meaning you can get rid of the book, too :) ).

Just south-west of there you should see a statue. Behind that is a ramp leading up the cliffs, follow that trail until you get the Rings of History unlock (and the Lumberjack title :P You may have to click the Rootwalker Remains for the unlock.)

Go west to the road and follow it north to Ralkuth's Return, - turn in your quests here, then move directly west out of the town, towards the gully once more. Morgithra the Eyeless should be right down there, kill her. Follow the path north and enter the cave again, turning in your quest at Mathaen (don't get the follow-up).

Get out and follow the gully south to the road, then follow the road all the way south into Ellyrion (remember to flee from the mobs at the gate).

Go south to Brokenblade and turn in your quests here. Get the quest Null and Void from Feylann Wrathwind.

Follow the road south until a house and a lot of horses appear on your left.

Dead elf not included.

At the door is a chest, open it and get the quest, then click the Silk-Wrapped Bundle in your quest bag – accept the quest. Now read the Nagarythe Chant in your quest bag – accept the follow-up :) Go back to camp and turn in at Verysa, getting the follow-up, and turning it in at Feylann Wrathwind.

Use your Book of Binding. Quick!

End of Circuit! :P Good job!

Even though we had to degrade ourselves by doing Dark Elf Quests, this turned out to be a great circuit after all :)



Start of Circuit!

Get out of the warcamp and follow the course of the road north. Enter the cave at the end, and follow the trail downwards. You should soon enter into a small cavern with some Orcs gathered. Go click one of the Roarin' Choppa's to complete an achievement :).

Go a bit further and you'll find Malgrog's Breach. Turn in your quests, get all remaining ones and make the place your home.

Right in front of Malgrog's Breach you'll find Seahammer Portguard. Kill 6 to finish Lead Da Way, Boss! When done, move west along the cavern wall until you find some greenskins. Clicking one leads to 3 waves of mobs, first 2 goblins, then 3 other goblins, then 2 orcs – all these being incredibly easy. When done, go talk to the Big 'Un at the back to finish Boss Huntin'.

Going back east, past the Ironclad, you'll find some Barak Varr Port Guard, as well as a small ramp. Kill 5 of the Guard to finish Push Dem Back, then go to the armory door.

This part is a little tricky, but should be manageable. Open the door, then pull the dwarf from the right side of the room. Go inside, moving to stand at the right side of the room. There's a dwarf just behind the door. Kill her, and go stand behind the bar (careful of the patrol)

Then, starting from here, kill all the way down, taking down Thrunril Axemaker in the process. Open the 3 crates on your way, and you're done :).

Go back out, taking the right ramp down, and following the next ramp up – you'll arrive at the Fall of Firebrew PQ area.

Find the bar, then carefully pull out the mobs in the right side of the room. Get in and grab the 3 barrels at the wall to finish Bar Hoppin'.

To the west is another Ironclad – board it, and kill 4 Fusiliers, then grab the box near the chimneys – don't get the follow-up.

Further to the west is the Grundadrakks Wharf PQ. Go there, and kill 4 Barak Varr Sea-Axes, then go back to the ironclad. Take the ramp down into the water and swim, following the curve of the cave to the right. You should soon see another ramp, with some Ale Loaders on the platform. Fight your way through them and enter through the hole. Dungi Fjornsson should be there, kill him, then click the scroll in your quest bag. Take the follow-up quest, then go back through the hole.

Kill 4 Aleloaders as well as Loadmaster Hardreksson to finish Kill Dem All! When done, use your Book of Binding to return to Malgrog's Breach. Turn in all your quests, getting the follow-ups. Train Skills, and sell some crap :)

Grind on the dwarfs in front of Malgrog's until you are two bubbles into rank 17. This can be kind of dull, but it's a really nice spot, with tons of easy mobs, a kill collect and an influence reward.

When done, make sure to collect your rewards as well as the quest from the rally master :).

Get out of Malgrog's hole, and make your way north, past the Fall of Firebrew PQ area, and take the cave exit there. When out, speak to Gnashfang and turn in Kill Dem All and Boss Huntin', getting the other quests as well as the follow-ups.

Right across the road is a Dwarven Smithy, go and

Kill 4 Metalsmiths.

Kill Hagrund Ardensson (usually in the hut)

Kill Gjorin Stonebeard (patrols in front of the hut)

Grab one of the chests inside the house then go back to Gnashfang and turn in both quests, getting the follow-up, Smith Smash.

Make your way west while hugging the mountains to your left. You should soon see a small Orc camp. Find and kill Nogaz to finish the quest, then move on further west.

Kill 8 Sandhowl Wolves to finish the quest, then get back on the road, going further west until you enter Mobash's Place. Turn in your quests, then get all remaining, except Slayer Slayer, make the place your home, sell stuff, then lean back in your chair :)

End of Circuit!


Start of Circuit!


Head south-east until you get to an area with Lobber Rocks and Salamanders. Grab 4 of the rocks, then kill 8 salamanders (watch out for the Crown Salamander, he's tough). Also search for the fallen banner on the beach, - clicking it will net you an unlock.

Jump into the water, then swim south until you see a Deteriorating Sea Mine. Click it to complete an achievement. To the west is a sunken Ironclad, swim near it to get an unlock.

When done, head back to camp and turn in, getting follow-up quests. Go to the Bloody Sun Metal 'Ead (he has a ridiculous hat) and talk to him to complete your achievement ;). This may or may not work, depending on whether you received a Mine Fragment or not. The Achievement is currently bugged, so if you didn't get a fragment, just forget about it :).

Move North-west towards the fortified Dwarf Tower. Kill 4 of the Cannoneers there, then go rig the cannon next to the tower (just right-click it). Take a step back as it explodes, then go talk to Fwosh to the south. Get his follow-up, click the Rock Lobber, then turn in and get the second follow-up. Go back to the tower and enter it. Just inside you should find a Grundadrakk Commander, kill him to finish One way or the Other.

Move North-west to an area filled with wolves. Go around this area, killing wolves and looting the Piles O' Bones on the ground, until you've completed Raising Da Banner and killed the wolf called Bloodclaw (big white bugger).


Just south of there should be a lot of Salamanders. Find and kill Stonescale to get a tactic point and some Xp.

Move further west until you come to the Lighthouse. Enter it, and you should find Lightkeeper Ericsson at the top. Kill him, then turn the valve at the engine to shut down the Lighthouse and finish Eyesore.

Use the Book of Binding to return to camp.

Turn in and get follow-ups. Move north, across the road until you find some Beastmen, and a gulch to your right. Enter it, and follow its course until you see a beastman camp. Kill the one named Yaarghul, then kill as many Stormhoof Beastmen you need to finish the quest.

Go back through the gulch and move south. To the east of the road leading into camp you should see Nogiz and some of his mates. Talk to him and defeat him in a duel, - get the follow-up. Just south of there you should see a dwarven statue, with some dwarves lying at its base. Kill Runepriest Stylvia, then jump off the cliff and go turn in.

Move back north to the gulch, and find a pile of bones next to where the Ogre was. Loot it, then go back to camp and turn in.

End of Circuit!

Due to lack of quests, we are once again gracing foreign lands with our presence :) This time, we're going Chaos!


Start of Circuit!

If there's a Rally Call, take it, and be teleported to the warcamp :) If not, swim south across the great lake and head to the warcamp, in which you can;

take a wyvern to Ostland!

In the Ostland Warcamp, get the quests ;

Mental Agility, from Zaccur the Despised.

Before the Wind, from Sojyvk Stormwing.

Running Late and Unlikely Places from
Halvesk Nothen

Next, fly to Troll Country, and get all quests except A Cold Heart from Trovolek Camp. Also make Trovolek your home.


Move north to the Blightwood area, and search for

3 x Bitter Root.

5 x Moss Covered Stone.

An Injured Warrior. Click him to obtain the blood you need.

Afterwards, kill as many trolls as you still need to finish Strength of Arms.

Move north-east, towards the hill, and search for a gleaming white tree. Interact with it, and get the follow-up. A plaguebearer will spawn behind you, defeat it, then move north until you can climb the hill to your right.

When you can, get up, then follow the road to the top. When there, kill Corvak the Maimed near the big altar, then kill as many Rot Priests as you still need (you need 7 dead, total). There should also be an unlock near the altar.

A bit north of there you'll see a Stone Totem-thingie. Click it to destroy it and finish the quest.


Move south, then carefully jump off the plateau. Just south-east of there you should see a small stone bridge. Underneath it, a Bridge Troll is hiding, - kill it to get an unlock :).

Now follow the road directly west until you get to Trovolek Village. Enter it, and slay;

10 Trovolek Defenders

and 4 Trovolek Seers.

When done, move south on that small peninsula and move close to the totems there to get an unlock.

Now, take that path north, and follow the road north-west up the mountain. Here, search for an over-dressed High Elf called Teleir Featherwhisper. Kill him, along with any Icewing Eagles in your way. Now search around for one of two big Eagle Nests. Inside one of them is a book called 'This Will Be Your Doom'. Click it to get an unlock.

Go back to camp and turn in. If you got enough influence, get the rally-quest, then get back on the road and follow it all the way north-east to Trollhaugen. Turn in your quests here, then get all quests expect Questionable Motives.

Move west out of camp, and take the path north when possible. You should soon see a campfire surrounded by cultist, - just east of that is a small Brigand Camp with a Half Keg in it. The respawn time here is insane, so move right around the white tent to the right, and loot the keg from afar, - get the follow-up.

Go back to Trollhaugen and turn the quest in, getting the follow-up.

When done, go back to where you were before, but this time attack the cultists by the campfire. Pull them one by one, and when done, move north to another campfire. Fight your way through to the other side (beware of Chemor the Pungent, though, a patrolling Champion Marauder).

Move north-east and you'll soon see a Cave Opening, guarded by an Ogre. Kill the Ogre, then move down into the depths! In the middle of the first room you'll see Yagg's Butcher Block. Get close and click it, to put down the Barrel beside it. Yagg the Butcher will come charging at you, kill him to finish The Bloody Maul. Get out of the cave again and kill any remaining cultists you need to finish Waste Not Want Not.

When done with that, get off the plateau and move south-east. Take the path up the mountain, slaughtering Nurglings as you go. Look for Ghourna'r, a zealot guy, and kill him.

A bit further north you'll find the lovely Lina Rimner, kill her as well. Kill any remaining Nurglings to finish the quest, then move south, following the mountain side down to Trollhaugen.

Turn in your quests here, then move directly west out of the village, following the hill upwards. You should arrive at The Blightstone Trolls PQ area, stay here, and kill

Any 12 Blighted Animals (Boars, Great Cats and Wolves),

and 6 Trolls.

When done, move back to Trollhaugen, and turn the quest in at Mirek Yaromir, then take the road east, out of Troll Country, and into Talabecland.

You'll soon arrive at the Goblin's Head inn. Collect all quests here, except the one from the warscout, if you're not planning on doing the scenario.

End of Circuit!

The quests in Talabecland turned out to be rather good, so we're doing a circuit here as well :)


*note: As soon as you get to rank 19, start queuing for Gates of Ekrund. When you join, get the quest from the Cunning Shaman at the spawn point. "Grolmunn's Book of Grudges"
is located near the middle capture point, just under the Order part of the wall, on a pile of rubble. Grab it to finish the quest. When you turn in, remember to get the follow-up :)*



Start of Circuit!


Start by going to the plain-area just south of camp. Kill the mutants there, then move east to the Steinbruck Farm area, and when there, take the bridge south to the Mudflats area.

Pull the Daemonic Coquettes one by one until you have 8 kills. When done, find an unguarded house, and use the Flammable Debris next to it to set it alight.

Now search around for the following items:

5 x Cheap Cider

3 x Basket of Fish

1 x Riptide Wine. The wine spawns in different places, but is usually on top of a rock, - or simply on the ground.

On the southern part of the island, propped against a rock is Sorus Glebe, a Bright Wizard. Get his quest, then click him again to pick off the boil in his armpit. Congratulations, that was gross :P. Turn in your quest at him.

When done, go back to Goblins Head and turn in, getting the quest The Orb and the Tome. Go east, all the way to the manor, and locate Heindrel Minken at its back. Turn in your quest, and get his follow-up.

Now move south-west to the Steinbruck Farm area and;

Slay 8 Steinbruck Farmhands, (peasants)

8 Wavering Sigmarites, (warrior priests)

and 8 Steinbruck Watch. (handgunners).

When done, move back to Heindrel Minken and turn in, - get the follow-up, Enter the cemetery next to you, and go to the second of the two mausoleums. Click the Shattered Pot on the ground and take the follow-up. Slay the Bandit and his girlfriend, then click the Crypt Entrance to finish Inevitable Power, - take the follow-up.

Move north to the great Bell-tower. Enter it, and follow the stairways all the way to the top. When there, ring the Mourning Bell, and get the follow-up. A skeleton Knight will come at you, kill him, then make your way down and out again.

Just behind the tower is a small graveyard, with some Corpsetallow flowers in it. Pick one to finish the quest, and get the follow-up. Then click the Freshly Dug Grave, and loot the Ironbound Chest. Go back south to the manor, and turn in the quest at Heindrel Minken,- getting the follow-up.

Just south-west of the Manor you'll find tons of mutants. Kill them until you've finished Mutants for the Raven God.

When done, move back to Goblin's Head and turn in your quests. Get Mutants for the Raven God from Anselma Seki once more.

Go south to the plains area again, this time, killing that dastardly Karl von Orst. Use the key in your quest bag once he is dead, and get the follow-up.

Kill mutants here until you've finished Mutants for the Raven God a second time. Once the area is clean, kill Riptide Lizards near the shore until the mutants respawn. When done, go to camp and turn in at Anselma. Also go to the inn and turn in at the Kill Collector.

You should now be rank 20! Congratulations! :) Great new skills, a new bag and a mount !

Use the Book of Binding to get back to Trovolek. Go to the Flightmaster and fly to the Inevitable City!

Now for the mount-purchasing! The bestiary is to the west of the wyvern roost. You'll be using this mount for at least 10 ranks, so pick colours carefully :). When you've bought one, jump off the cliffs and be teleported.

Look for door openings to your right while moving north. Take the first doorway, and enter the Feast Hall.

Get the quest from Senta Bladebane, and defeat the Marauder, - turn in the quest again (if you need to visit the Auction House, do it now :) ).

Get back out and move north into the Apex area. In the north-eastern section you will find Mivvar Blackshard. Take her quest, then take the eastern exit out of the Apex.

Just north of there, near a herdstone, you'll find Bloodpelt Beastmen. Kill 8, then go back to Mivvar and turn in.

(If you want, you can go to the Lyceum, and collect your pocket items :) They don't do anythign, but are great for killing time while waiting :P )

Go back to the flightmaster and take a wyvern to Talabecland

Turn in your quests at the Warcamp, then get the quest False Gods from Telva Silverwheel,

and Thorbeck's Assassin from Thorbeck the Deceiver.

A bit north of the camp you'll find Nellek Rikath. Turn in your quest here, then get the follow-up. Move directly east, past the ice-cave there and speak to Chagg Rek. Turn in your quest and get the follow-up.

Move back a bit and enter the ice cave. You should get an unlock concerning the Corrupters Crown. When you've got it, get back out of the cave and move directly west, past the warcamp until you find Mard the Incoherent, standing on a ridge overlooking a chaos camp. Turn in your quest at him and get the follow-up.

Go off the ridge, and go to the chaos camp. Turn in your quests here, then get the follow up to Inevitable Power.

Move east to the warcamp, and turn in the quest at Thorbeck.

At last, say goodbye to Chaos Lands for now ! :)

Take a wyvern to Barak Varr.

Move north from the warcamp, across the great lake and follow the road all the way north into Black Fire Pass.

End of Circuit


-well done! :) -

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